Write a letter to the future
It's pretty simple.
Step One
Write a letter. It can be as short or as long as you want. It can be to someone else or yourself. You can even include a photo.
Step Two
Choose the date you want the letter to be delivered to the recipient. This could be tomorrow or in a few years—your choice!
Step Three
That's it! Everything else is automated. So, sit back, relax, and read letters by other people. Or, you can support the site.
Is it really free?
Yes. Future Postbox is completely free—it's a side hobby of The Postman who runs the site. That said, the site does cost money to run and The Postman has some lofty dreams of where it could all go:
· Imagine being able to send messages based on geography, temperature, or factors other than just time!
· Imagine sending different types of media: Videos, documents, voice messages, and more!
· Imagine having your own app and account where you can keep track of all the letters you've sent and received!
Perhaps one day, but that all costs money and The Postman is a volunteer. If you'd like to support the site visit Future Postbox's support page.
What do you write?
Whatever you like! People use Future Postbox for lots of different reasons. Some use it as a time capsule of thoughts and feelings, some use it as a way to set or track goals, some use it to say the things that are too hard to say face-to-face, and others use it as a daily journal. If you're after more inspiration, you can read letters others have written. NB: There are some limitations on explicit content (see below).
Are there any limits on content?
Future Postbox is a place of love and good vibes.
· The Postman will not tolerate any form of cyber bullying, trolling, or illegal activity.
· Future Postbox cannot host any form of pornographic imagery.
· Letters may be screened and The Postman reserves the right not to send, delete, or forward your letter to any relevant authorities.
· Anyone under the age of 18 should seek permission to use Future Postbox from their parent or guardian.
· Please refer to the Data and Privacy Policy for more information.
Is it automated?
Yes! As of October 2023, Future Postbox is now completely automated. In the past, The Postman manually sent every letter. This was not only tedious but resulted in some occasional issues with consistency of delivery (The Postman apologises to anyone affected). So, the service should now be a lot more reliable! Oh, you may wish to add the email address thepostman@futurepostbox.com to your safe senders to avoid messages going to spam.
What's the difference in privacy options?
· If you select "This letter can be public", your letter can be read by others via the read page. If you've made your letter public, but later change your mind, send an email to The Postman with your details and it will be removed from the public page.
· If you select "Keep this letter private", then it will only be sent to the intended recipient.
What does The Postman do with your data?
The Postman is extremely cautious with your data. Primarily, it's used to:
· Get the letter to where it needs to go.
· Provide you (extremely infrequent) updates about Future Postbox.
For more information, please read Future Postbox's full Privacy Policy.
A glimpse at what other people have written.
December 20, 2011
Котова Ксения
Котова Ксения
Date to be sent:
December 20, 2012
привет Ксюш. хочу напомнить тебе, как ты чувствовала себя ровно год назад, а именно 20.12.11, скоро кстати новый год)) я вот недавно вернулась из общаги урагса, от оли и клюва, хлестали виски с колой... впрочем как всегда. как ты живешь, да вообщем то ничего супер интересного. зачетная неделя на носу, мутишься с зачетами, пока вроде получается. думаю, ты все еще в УрГу, а куда ты оттуда денешься. сидишь тут перед своим розовым нетбуком, надеюсь у тебя сейчас айпад, ведь ты так его хотела. кстати именно сегодня ты сидела на морозе с банкой страйка и думала о своей личной жизни. и знаешь, ты пришла к выводу что нахер тебе не сдался вова (ты его помнишь) если не дождешься от него обратной связи. кстати сегодня он въехал в новую квартиру, и естественно тебя не позвал, кто знает может ты сейчас живешь с ним, а может не хочешь его знать. а еще ты очень хотела получить права, надеюсь, они у тебя есть. а да, точно ты тут на днях в гавно разосрались со своей соседкой из за того, что ты привела его к себе в общагу.... ну думаю ты вспомнишь эту историю, после стекла приехали к тебе в 7 утра в гавно пьяные, а кстати надеюсь ты похудела и теперь охуенно выглядишь, потому что сейчас ты мягко говоря жирновата (68 кг) ну я думаю хватит пока... жду с нетерпением конца зачетной недели и нового года, обязательно загадаю супер желание... что нибудь типо уссполнение заветных желаний: жить с мч, ездить на его машине, иметь работу, и успевать в учебе, а через год проверим чтоб все сбылось. береги маму, она самая лучшая и больше всего я конечно хочу, чтоб у нее все было хорошо. не болей и не скучай. я знаю все сейчас просто заебись у тебе, не предовай своих желаний, будь умницей и живи счастливо и с улыбкой, ведь ты этого достойна. с наступающим =***)))))
November 13, 2011
Daniel Anderson
Daniel Anderson
Date to be sent:
November 13, 2012
Dear Future me, I don't know if you are successful yet, however, don't give up, you're still young. You have a bright future if you keep trying. You dont have to be the best, just try your best. I don't know whats happened over the past year but at this time last year you were pretty stressed with final exams and certain things in your life which werent going your way. Anyway this is just refreshing your mind of a year ago. Push yourself over and over until you achieve your goals. Remember to respect those you care about, they wont be there forever, as you can remember. This must have been a big year for you future me so goodluck with the rest of it, it may be hard but it will get easier. Regards, Past Self